November 30, 2012

So many beautiful things.

There is just so much beauty and abundance in the world.
So many living and growing things.
This is what has been keeping my eyes busy this week.
What about for you?

November 23, 2012


I have so many things in life to be thankful for...

Here is an incomplete list.

I am thankful first and foremost for my mother.
She birthed me into this world, raised and loved me,
and is my rock in all storms.
My life would not exist or be as full without her.

I am thankful for friendships.
Old, cherished, ancient ones that will be in my life forever.
New, fresh, exciting ones that bring spontaneity and verve.
And especially the rekindled ones, that give me hope
that things come back around and that broken
things can be mended.

I am thankful for farmland, open roads and sea.
I know that I would not have survived this summer 
in one piece without them.  
Thank you Oregon for being such a beautiful state.

I am thankful for animals. 
Who grace our lives with unconditional love,
are up for spontaneous adventure,
and who's antics provide hours of distracting entertainment.

I am thankful for hard work.
Which helps me reach further than I thought I could.
Helps me realize my own strength and endurance.
And creates a release for a busy mind.

I am thankful for good food, great books,
and time to learn, grow and share.
In a months time I will begin a six month artistic retreat 
on the Oregon coast.  Stay tuned for more adventure...

November 19, 2012

Scratchboard Progression.

I thought you might like to see how I work.
So here is a little series of shots taken as I worked
on this new scratchboard of Toots the goat.

First I draw the major outlines of my subjects body.
And then start on one little corner creating scratches
that create texture and shading.

I continue, and give myself pep talks to keep going.
Sometimes I get anxious about how it will turn out.

And finally when I feel I have scratched enough,
I say it's done.  
It's such a fun art form.  I feel quite lucky to have stumbled upon it.

November 15, 2012

Artist of the Month at Crafty Wonderland.

I feel so honored to be selected to be November's Artist of the Month
at the Crafty Wonderland shop in downtown Portland.

Cathy and Torie did such a fantastic job setting up my wares.
Head on down to the shop and find my Original Collages,
Collage and Scratchboard Prints, Magnets, Jewelry and Notecards.
Plus a few other fun bits and bobs.

Here is a link to the Crafty Wonderland write up about me
with more pictures and information.

Plus, come see me at the Super Colossal Crafty Wonderland Sale,
December 8th and 9th at the Oregon Convention Center.