March 22, 2012

Cards at Powell's Books.

My Greeting Cards can now be found at Powell's Books on Hawthorne.
Stop on in for a book and a card, sounds like a great Mother's Day gift!

March 19, 2012

Crafty Folks: Rochelle Ford

During my recent trip to California I walked by a house 
I strolled by my whole childhood.
It is the inspirational home of Metal Artist, Rochelle Ford.

Her work is bold, colorful, and vivacious,
as is her home and yard.
In my youth we would detour a few blocks out of the way
just to gander at the grandeur of her artistic home.
And I would dream that someday I would be an artist too.

Better Homes and Gardens did a nice article about her,
find it here.  They took this great areal shot.

I hope everyone has someone to be inspired by,
and someone to inspire.

March 16, 2012

Tea Party.


It's spring!
Which means time for a little tea party.
My friend Rachel came over today with her adorable daughter Addie.
We had a little tea party,
which is an outstanding adventure to take with a preschooler.
We decided next time we will wear fancy gloves.
Except apparently one of Addie's has gone missing.
I also promised to have some fine china cups.
And we are all going to practice raising our 
pinkie fingers as we sip our tea.

Happy cheery cherry blossom spring to you!

March 15, 2012


I've been known to collect a thing or two.
Teapots, Rocks, Bowls, Jars.
Things always look lovely
when standing next to a friend.

These coffee pots are no exception.
Find them and more inspiration at:

March 6, 2012

Needle Felted Owls.

Last week I taught a great group to needle felt cute little owls.
These cozy fellows are so fuzz wonderful and wooly.
Love 'em.

March 5, 2012

Just a Little Color.

This is my friend Medina's watercolor set. Clearly it is well loved. 
It's a nice colorful start to an overcast and drizzly Monday morning.
Visit her blog for more creative inspiration.