July 26, 2010

Pure Summer Delight.

I have to admit that I am sometimes
not the biggest fan of summer.
It's hot, I wilt, I wallow, I wonder
if it will ever end.
But...LOOK! what wonders
all that sun and summertastic
delight brings!

Our raspberries are the best they have
EVER been, and our sweet pea stand
just keeps going.

With bowls and vases filled with
summer's wonderful delights,
life feels full, fragrant and delicious.


  1. I couldn't agree more! It is days like this, when it really it just too hot(!), that I have to remind myself of all of the wonderful things that come along with it. Most notably, the food! The nectarines and strawberries are just unbelievable and the heat is exactly what the tomatoes need right now.

  2. Emily, So true, so true. And I do LOVE a tomato sandwich.

  3. I hate extreme heat too, and have often said that the southern blood that resides in me must not be very strong. lol I wilt as well (and complain). I'm very happy when it's sunny and the temperature is a mild 75 degrees.

    Unfortunately out in our neck of the woods (several miles south of Portland) the heat is putting stress on some crops. Tomatoes, cukes, and squash are doing well, while other crops are struggling (early peaches, raspberries, cherries).

    We aren't getting as many blueberries as usual. Plus the birds have been very busy on what is out there this year (note to self - cover the bushes!).

  4. Our blueberries are also not as wonderful tasting, as looking. Darn birds!


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