Today was my Dad's Birthday. I like to remember him on this day,
and think about all the happiness, joy, beauty, laughter,
and adventure he brought into my life.
I am so grateful to have had such a terrific father,
even if for too short a time.

My parents grew Zinnias each year in front of our
old dilapidated greenhouse.
It was something colorful and spectacular to watch.
This image of me was taken around the time my father died.
I hope where ever he is filled with Zinnias,
Cosmos and Rainbow Chard.
I hope there are tomatoes growing big and red in the warm sun,
I hope there are oceans to be found,
and the perfect golden light for pictures to be taken.
"Far in the plots, I see him dig,
Old and serious, brown and big."
-Robert Louis Stevenson
This post touched my heart. Dads are most special to their daughters...