June 16, 2012

TV Shoot for Beads, Baubles and Jewels.

I am busy preparing to fly out to Cleveland, Ohio for a taping with host 
Katie Hacker on Beads, Baubles and Jewels, which airs on National PBS stations.
I am very excited and enthusiastically making my lists and checking them twice.
The show will not air until after the Fall, but I'll keep you all posted when it does.
I'll be demonstrating how to work with Ice Resin, which is how I make all of my 
jewelry pieces.  I just love Ice Resin and am so excited to be able to share it with
more folks.  I also teach and Ice Resin class every month at Collage.  If you live
in the Portland area, I'd love to show you the tricks of the trade in person.
I would like to thank Ice Resin, Nunn Design and Piddix for generously donating
resin, jewelry blanks and collage sheets for this taping.  All are amazing women 
owned companies.  I can't say enough wonderful things about them.

Wish me luck!


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